Elon Jeffy, M.D.


Elon Jeffy, M.D. is board certified in both Adult Psychiatry and Child and Adolescent Psychiatry.



Psychiatric Diagnostic Evaluation

Dr. Jeffy prefers to focus on the family unit and ideally will meet with one or both parents and the patient during the initial visit.  He then may meet alone with the child.  At times, he may also meet with parents by themselves.  He will ask multiple questions related to what brought the patient to his office, which are important to make a complete differential diagnosis. In some cases this initial assessment may take two separate appointments because Dr. Jeffy attempts to fully understand the problem and make the best possible recommendations. He will also obtain the patient's weight, height, blood pressure, pulse, and a thorough medical history. At its conclusion, he will discuss his assessment and treatment plan.  This will include a working diagnosis, any diagnosis that he is considering based on symptoms, and also what information he may still need to gather from other physicians, therapists, or teachers.  Dr. Jeffy will then make recommendations for treatment, which may include medication, a referral for individual and/or family therapy, or parent training classes.

Psychiatric Follow-Up Visit

Depending on the nature of the complaint, the age of the child, and number of treatment modalities, these visits range between 30-60 minutes.  If the patient is on medication, Dr. Jeffy will discuss if the medication is effective, any side effects, and ongoing goals for treatments.  Additionally, he may do brief supportive, cognitive, or behavioral therapy.  Dr. Jeffy will work with both parents and patient to reassess and evaluate the diagnoses, symptoms, and treatment plan.  Parents should be sure to bring any teacher feedback, rating scales, or other new pertinent information when meeting with Dr. Jeffy.